Lettings & Property Management
Helen McCormack Estate Agents have a large number of landlords who use us for both lettings and management services.
As the business was established in 2009 when this was the primary niche in the market, we highly value this sector of our business and enjoy the ongoing client contact that derives from this work as well as the contact with new landlords and tenants.
We have a range of local, national and overseas clients who comfortably engage us to look after their tenancies and rent collection so that they can have a stress free experience.
We will register all tenancies with the RTB (Residential Tenancies Board) on behalf of owners and follow their guidelines, if, on the rare occasion, there are any breach of tenancy terms thereby acting in the owners best interest and in good faith at all times.
We have strong relationships with maintenance teams and ensure that we get a fast, efficient and cost effective service on your behalf, in the event that works are required on your property in our property management service.
For new private landlords, below is a brief outline of the services that will be provided: